Friday, July 1, 2011

And The Winner Is...

Loredena!! She left a comment on the first post, and I pulled the little slip of paper with her name on it out of the bag just a moment ago. Congratulations, Loredena! You can either email your address to me here (spingirlspins AT gmail DOT com) or PM me on Ravelry.

Thank you to everyone who commented on my new blog. I tried to reply to all the comments, but I may have missed a few, so I apologize--I certainly do read them all!

Onward and upward. I'm going to go play violin for a while, then I think the evening will be spent on girly things. I actually made it out for a haircut today and picked up a bottle of Chardonnay on the way home. I'm going to put on the moisturizing pack my stylist (who is also my sister-in-law) gave me, and do something with my horrible lizardy feet. I went ice skating this morning, and the feet need a nice long soak and some serious balm. While I'm at it, I'll give a plug here for Aubrey's site, Goodies Unlimited. Her "Everything Balm" is terrific stuff, and Aubrey was kind enough to put a little sample in each of the goodie bags we got at Stringtopia in April. My feet will love me for it!

For my readers in the USA, have a safe and cool holiday weekend! To everyone, talk to you later, and thanks for reading!


  1. Thanks! Enjoying your blog, winning something is a nice bonus :)

  2. Oh is THAT what that's for?! Gimme mine back hehe
