Wednesday, June 29, 2011

More Flowers!

Looky what we have here:
Yep, more flowers.
Even though this is supposed to be One-flower Wednesday...
...obviously I'm sort of an overachiever!
They're fun to make, but the best part is choosing the fabrics. I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying that!

I had thought I would sew these using the paper-piecing method, where you cut hexagons out of paper, baste the fabric over them, and whip-stitch them together. I ran off a copy of the size hexagons I wanted (you can find an explanation of paper-piecing and a link to printable hexagons here) and started cutting. After about the fifth hexie, I thought, "Ya know, I could just sew them together," and that was the end of the paper-piecing plan. It's really not hard at all to just sew the pieces, even though there's a set-in corner. That's one of the reasons I love hand piecing--I would never try to sew these on the machine. I'd go bonkers and probably end up sewing through my finger or something. Blood stains on the fabric are just too, too tacky.

I would do the paper thing if I were making really small hexagons. (Mine are finishing to about 7/8" on each straight side.) In fact, I'm doing another quilt using paper-piecing because the pieces are so teensy-weensy. I'll save that for another day.

Last chance to comment for the giveaway! I'll draw a name Friday, and the lovely merino-silk lace yarn will be on its way to a new home!


  1. I see what we have here, three gorgeous flowers!!! I love to hand piece, but wanted to try paper piecing and now I love that too! One bonus with the paper piecing is the seams are already pressed.

  2. Hi! If you see my'll see they are repro fabrics also!! However, I am using 1 1/2" hexagons. I am not a good hand piecer, which is why I like English Paper comes out perfect...kind of like foundation piecing on the machine does for me. You are lucky to be such a good hand piecer!

    I love your flowers. I too love picking the combinations. If I didn't have to actually sew them together, I could go on and on and on picking out combinations!! Tee-hee!

    Deb from

  3. I Just love your Hexies,,,They are gorgeous,,my blogging friends that know me will know that i would pick out the pink one as my favorite,,,its yummy,,,,:) xx

  4. Your flowers look great! When I started doing hexies, I was sewing about 7 stitches to the inch and have had to sew some of them over again. Now I'm sewing about 12 stitches to the inch. Much better.

  5. Love your blooms! Are they from Judie Rothermel's line? Very pretty!! I enjoy knitting, besides quilting and stitching, but haven't done any for over a year now as it's been really hot where I am - in the southwest desert!! Your yarns look very yummy...

  6. Very pretty! I'd never to be able to sew them without templates.
