Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sock Disaster Movie

SOS is over, and I said I was done with socks, right?  Well, yeah...but then I saw the Socknitter's Anonymous group on Ravelry, and they're just starting a Mystery Sock in orange, and I have more of that perfect Trekking orange that I love so much, so I said what the heck and joined the group. I printed the first clue to the Mystery Sock and cast on and got the toe done quick as a wink (by this time, I could do it in my sleep.)

Then I hit the pattern section. Now, I've read charts before--many times, in fact. But I only managed to get three pattern rows done in one entire evening. I swear I had to rip that thing back eleventy times. I picked it up again today, figuring that I'd sorted out what all the little symbols meant, and where they were all supposed to go. I knitted part of one row, saw it wasn't working, ripped back, knitted it again--correctly, this time, and zipped through the plain knitting on the sole. Next row: three quarters of the way through, things are looking good, then...hey, what's this big strand doing here? There's not supposed to be a yarn-over th...gaaaaassssspppp. I dropped a stitch right in the middle of the twisty part, and I mean DROPPED. It had already laddered down to the beginning of the pattern rows.

This cannot be fixed. At least not by me. I've had it. I like complicated stuff to a degree, but complicated stuff plus a dropped stitch is way out of my league. Forget it. (Let me note here that it is clearly not the fault of the pattern designer, because I've already seen photos of socks with the whole Clue 1 pattern chart knitted. They're very pretty, and I'm an idiot, because I haven't read of anyone else having trouble with the pattern. Some things can't be explained, but I know when to quit. It was five rows back.)

Luckily, you don't have to do the Mystery Sock. You can do any pattern you want, as long as it's with orange yarn.  I'm playing it safe and doing "Spring Forward" again. I can handle that.


  1. I should head over to that group. I joined awhile ago, but forgot! Thanks for the heads-up. I think I'm socked-out though, too. I'm knitting a tee right now. YAY!! Happy Weekend!

  2. sorry for the trouble...but boy do I understand!

  3. Or... you could do the same thing on the other sock and call it a design element. I won't tell.
