Friday, September 19, 2008


Ahoy, mateys! It be National Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Now, it be fun an' all, but it be makin' f'r a shorter bloggy post. 'Tain't easy t'speak this way if ya dinna ken how by nature. Yarrrr.

I be workin' on a new piece o' clothin', seein' how as I ain't got any. Yarrr. 'Specially seein' as winter be comin' an' all. Shiver me timbers (and th' rest o' me too!) This be a purty coat, wiv cables n' all--just what Mad Bess Bonney (that be me, y'ken) needs t' kiver her an' keep them cold winds fr'm cuttin' through. An' the cables be kinda like ropes, so I be thinkin' they be perfect. Yarrrr! Now I just be needin' Cap'n Jack Sparrow f'r some company. 'Tis more like I'll be havin' Cap'n Crunch, I be thinkin'.

Time for some grub 'n' grog. Be seein' ye round, mateys!  Yarrr!

1 comment:

  1. ROTFLMAO!!! You do have a way with the pirate speak!!! I'm workin' on that Jack sparrow for ya. ;)
