Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One-Flower Wednesday

So, that whole finishing projects thing. Not doing so well with that. I slipped and started another quilt made of hexagon flowers.
This quilt-along was started by Karen of "Journey of a Quilter". Each Wednesday she posts  pictures of her completed flower blocks. You might notice that she doesn't work only on hexagon flowers--she has a number of other projects going too. She's obviously my kind of gal!
 Here are the guidelines. Mainly, just use hexagons and put your name and blog link on the list at least once a month. I think I can handle that. 
 Although it's called "One-Flower Wednesday", you may have noticed something.
I couldn't stop making the little boogers. I have a couple more cut out and fabrics lined up on the cutting table, waiting their turn. It's a terrific way for me to dive into the stash and work with all of those nineteenth-century reproductions I've been hoarding. Jo Morton and Judie Rothermel are my heroines--I love their repro fabric designs. This kind of quilt gives me a chance to put lots of different fabrics in one quilt, and I can do it without totally destroying my sewing room. That's always a good thing!

I'm changing the rules for the giveaway just a little bit. It actually gives you more chances to win. Just comment on any post (or all of them!) until June 30. Every time you leave a comment, I'll put your name in the hat for a chance to win that beautiful laceweight yarn I showed earlier.

Next time: Some thoughts on the 10,000-Hour Challenge. See you!


  1. for that lovely laceweight, I can comment :)

    seriously I'm in awe of those who quilt (in addition to the eleventy billion other things they do). I love the look of quilts. The sewing not so much. But your flowers are pretty and will make a truly lovely quilt

  2. I just love your little boogers Lisa and beautiful fabrics too! Can't wait to see more.

  3. addictive little critters aren't they. I have found that out. Love your fabrics.

  4. Ahhh Grandmother's Flower Garden - it does grow quickly doesn't it?

    They look fantastic.

  5. I have unfinished quilt stuff --- somewhere in my basement.......

  6. I'd love to see the quilt. You gotta bring it in some Thursday night.

  7. I am finishing my quilt top this week - it is king size and much easier than yours :) There is a lady with a long arm that will quilt it for $60 if I can get it to her soon. I love your blog however......if I were to blog I would never get anything done. When does Robin sleep? susan

  8. love the stash guardian...susan

  9. love the fussy cut flowers. I am working on a hexagon table runner but it will not be flowers.
    thanks so much for coming by my blog.

  10. Your hexies are beautiful, I also have many projects on the go, this group helps me keep on track with the flower garden.

  11. uh oh - I may have to go look at my fabric. You are the enabler!
