Thursday, July 31, 2008

Almost Vacation Time!

I haven't been spending much time on the computer at all, so I feel really out of touch. I'm sure all kinds of interesting things are going on in Plurk, but I can't keep up, so I declare "Plurkruptcy" on the "View Replies" button and start all over. I'm sure there are lots of new blog posts for me to read as well, and let's not even talk about Ravelry! When did things get so complicated? So much for simplifying! Thoreau's head would explode if he were suddenly dropped in someone's computer room.

So, SOS. Well, I finished pair #13, and am poking at pair #14 occasionally, but the thrill is gone. BUT! I have a week off coming up, so after work tomorrow, I declare myself officially On Vacation (even if it is at home!) I'm trying to decide between being a total slob and knitting all day every day, or getting some big stuff out of the way, like finishing the basement clean-out that I started a couple of weeks ago.  Depending on which way it goes, I may get back into the SOS swim of things, but I'm not sure. Something else jumped on my needles last weekend, I'm embarrassed to admit, so I'm making no firm promises. One thing's for sure. I need to hit the store and stock up on ice cream and other healthy snacks.

It's very possible that I could not even leave the house next week, except for my violin lesson and Bible study groups. That's a little scary. I'm not agoraphobic in the least--I just like to be home. I do enjoy hitting a bookstore at least once a week, and there are the obligatory yarn shop visits, but otherwise I'm truly a homebody (no, not homeboy. Completely different thing, that.)  But I also know that it's better for me to get out and mingle, even though it's difficult. Mostly it's because I'm so stinkin' tired all the time from the fibromyalgia.

Speaking of FM, maybe I should use next week to start getting back into some sort of exercise schedule. I was taking ballet classes for the past few years, but I hurt my back in February, and haven't been back since. So when I do start back, it will be absolute murder on my body. That's one of the things about FM--it takes so much longer to build strength than it does for other people, and you lose it so much faster. So if I take class, that means the whole day is shot because I will pretty much be in bed the rest of the day--at least for the first couple of weeks until I get some strength built up. That would be a good use of my vacation time, though, because I will feel so much better once I get back to regular exercise. But I'll lose so much knitting time!

Decisions, decisions. Ah, well, we'll see what happens. Maybe if I rummage in my sock yarn bag I'll get the urge for sock knitting back!

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