Friday, June 20, 2008

On Your Mark, Get Set...

Only an hour and a half until Summer of Socks begins. And yes, I'm staying up to cast on as soon as the clock strikes midnight! Crazy, I know, especially since I have to babysit the Rugrat tomorrow. I'm getting out the baby corral and she's going in it with a steady rotation of toys.

I did not get the pink scarf finished (but I still have an hour and a half! All is not lost yet!) It's almost there--just a few more repeats, then five or six garter rows. I made a big mistake and left out two pattern rows about four repeats back. I pondered a while, then decided that nobody is going to notice it. Really. You would have to look for it, and most non-knitters (and knitters) don't do that. I just wasn't up to ripping back mohair again.

I met Abby on Wednesday for coffee and "bunny stuff" as I now call it*. She knitted, I spun on a spindle, and we talked about spinning (of course), Spanish, raising boys vs. girls, studio space or lack thereof, beer, organic foods, our admiration of Rita Buchanan, and a whole bunch of other stuff I can't remember now. It was a real hen party with just two cluckers. And she was nice enough to think to bring me some fantastic fiber. It never crossed my mind to bring her anything, which makes me feel like a heel, but I have something in the works that I think she'll like.

I'm really wondering how this whole sock contest is going to go. Will I stick with it until September 1st? Can I possibly not work on any other projects but socks for ten whole weeks? Frankly, I'm kind of doubtful, given my track record. But here I go...

*"Bunny stuff" is what a knitter on Ravelry says her husband calls her knitting. I like it. It covers everything: knitting, crocheting, spinning, weaving, stashing. It's what I do.


  1. Ripping back mohair, again?!! UGH. No one will notice, for sure. Besides, you meant to leave those two repeats out....

    How are you doing in the SOS 08? I have one sock done and started the cuff on a second. Of course, I can't feel my hand right now.... ;)

    Daniele aka

  2. Ripping back mohair, again?!! UGH. No one will notice, for sure. Besides, you meant to leave those two repeats out....

    How are you doing in the SOS 08? I have one sock done and started the cuff on a second. Of course, I can't feel my hand right now.... ;)

    Daniele aka

  3. Yeah! That's it! I MEANT to do that! Har.

    I know what you mean about the hand, too.

  4. Yeah! That's it! I MEANT to do that! Har.

    I know what you mean about the hand, too.
